Monday 7 October 2013


On a cool wintry night

I found a marigold blossoming under moon light.
It whispered in my ear

Please come close to me dear.

I saw droplets of snow on its face

And they were enhancing its grace.

Its smile was so sweet and bright

That I could never forget its sight.

When it shook its head in delight

It send thousand musical notes into my heart.
She was no ordinary marigold or so

She was a pretty princess who loved me ages ago.

I used to enjoy her playing on piano
Now if I ask she says, “No, no”.

Heard melodies are sweet
But the unheard too touch your heart.

That’s why I still hear her Raga*
And its name is Mounika (Silence)!

                                                                                         - V.V.Rao
*A raga (literally "colour, hue" but also "beauty, melody") is one of the melodic modes used in Indian classical music.


Anonymous said...

Very Nice..

Unknown said...

Thank you, Anonymous!

Udaya said...

Wow... I didn't know that there is a hidden poet inside you.

Unknown said...

Yes, Udaya:). Sometimes that guy peeps out from inside. Like a moon behind clouds!