Friday 11 October 2013


A lot of studies have gone into understanding what Success is and you come across so many definitions and descriptions. Success certainly lies in big achievements, however it is something beyond that. Success lies in simplicity and applying basic principles of life consistently. Simplicity should not be misunderstood as ease. A few interesting thoughts on this...

To laugh often and love much;
To win respect of intelligent persons
and affection of children;
To earn approval of honest critics
and endure betrayal of false friends;
To appreciate beauty
To find best in others;
To give off one's self without the 
slightest thought of return;
To complete your tasks with 
spontaneous efforts by willing teams;
To have laughed and played with
Enthusiasm and sung with exaltation;
To know that one life has breathed easier
because you have lived;
This is to have succeeded
- Anonymous


Nanduri said...

Your definitions for success are very nice.The meaning of success varies from person to person.Your posts in the blog are motivational and very useful especially to the unemployed youth. But they will be more useful if post them in telugu.

Unknown said...

Thank you, sir for visiting my site, going through the posts and giving feedback. Your comments are welcome and they encourage me to post some more interesting topics on Management. I agree with you that I can reach wider audience if I post them in Telugu, but my command over the language is not that great as it used to be a couple of decades back to come up with quality posts. Perhaps, I should try that going forward after honing up my language skills.