Friday 18 July 2014

Super Stars and Black Holes

There are basically two types of people in the world. You can observe.

First type of people are Super Stars. Just like their celestial counterparts, superstars radiate warmth, enthusiasm and positive energy. 

You can recognize a super star by the following characteristics:

  • They are positive 
  • They speak well of the people around them 
  • They smile and laugh easily 
  • They accept compliments graciously 
  • They encourage and support those around them 
  • They have clear goals and enjoy the process of working and reaching them 
  • They take action 

Then there are those Black Holes of the universe. These are the people who seem to suck the life, energy and light out of everything and everyone around them.

You can recognize a black hole by the following characteristics :
  • They generally have a negative view of the world around them 
  • They constantly crib and complain
  • They regularly criticize others 
  • They are often found lamenting over some or other thing
  • They are quick to point out why the other people’s plans will never work 
  • They rarely smile or laugh unless they are laughing at someone else 
  • They often do not have clear goals and instead plod along from day to day 

You probably know people who fit well into these two categories, but as with anything in real life, these distinctions are not clear cut. 

In reality all of us capable of being super stars or black holes depending on what we think and how we feel at any given moment. Take a moment and observe yourself how you are interacting with people around you on daily basis. Are you a super star – radiating warmth and positive energy or you tend to be a little bit of a black hole?

The great thing about becoming aware of how you are acting is that you always have a choice of how to behave in a particular circumstance. Each and every day you can choose whether you are going to be either super star and spread positive energy or black hole and suck everything.

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