Saturday 14 March 2015

About Devils & Deals

Now –a- days we see the entire world is running on deals. Every transaction involves some kind of deal. If offer another perspective to this. If you really want the best deals of life, don’t try to make them. You must be in such a way that the other party should fall in love with you in every way. Because, the necessity and passion are the basis for any deal. If it is not necessary it will not happen. The deals is for the well being of both the people, so it must be needed by both of you. Once we live in this world, there are transactions. Some are personal and others are business. All of them affect your life. Whether your talk to a taxi driver or your boss or your spouse every transaction affects your life. Now the problem is you hold one transaction over the other. You involve yourself more in one and less in another. It won’t work that way. All the things are required for a fulfilling life. So, total involvement is required.

So do you see that to make a deal, you should only meet people who are more stupid that you? If you meet people who are more intelligent than you, there is no way to get deal to your advantage. If you just give yourself and see how both of you get benefitted from the deal, then whenever it is possible, it will happen. So one need not worry much about pulling off deals somehow. Just learn to offer yourself which is the best possible thing and leave it there.

Now a days we see many people trying to make deals with God as well. You fulfill this desire for me and, I’ll visit your temple.. or give my hair to you. Hair anyway doesn’t cost anything. There are other big shots who offer gold ornaments such as crowns to God. Still they end up facing legal issues. God never makes deals with anybody. You have to make a disciple of devil if your life is all about making deals.

Once it so happened that a priest was walking on the street and he saw a man who had just been stabbed. The man was lying face down on the street, struggling for breath. The priest has always been taught that compassion was the highest thing; love is the way and all that stuff. Naturally, he ran to the man. He turned him over and saw that it was the devil himself.

He was shocked and horrified and quickly backed away. The devil begged him, “Please take me to the hospital! Do something.” The priest hesitated and thought, “Why should I save you, the devil? You are against God. You should die. The whole priesthood is all about somehow banishing the devil and it looks like somebody has almost done a good job of it. I’ll just let you die.” The Devil said, “Don’t do this. Jesus told you to love thy enemy, and you know I’m you enemy. You must love me.“ Then the priest said, “I know that the devil always quotes scriptures. I’m not going to fall for that.” So the devil said, “ Don’t be a fool. If I die who will come to church? Who will seek God? Then what will happen to you? Okay, you won’t listen to the scriptures, but now I’m talking business, you better listen.” The priest understood that this was true. With no devil, who would come to church? This made business sense. He immediately put the devil on his shoulders and took him to the hospital. 

Sounds interesting, right?

Friday 9 January 2015

Samurai and his Arrow

Here is an interesting story of a Japanese Samurai who aimed with a perfect will. It makes a good reading.
A long time ago there was a young samurai and his fiancĂ© who were deeply in love. One day his fiancĂ© was walking through the forest when she was attacked and seriously mauled by a man-eating tiger! No matter what the young samurai did, nothing could save her… and she died

From the depths of his sorrow he vowed to revenge his beloved, by seeking out the tiger and killing it.

So he took his bow and arrow and sought out into the forest, month after month in search of the man-eating beast. Searching daily in the forest, the samurai finally saw a sleeping tiger in the distance and concluded that this must be the tiger responsible for the death of his lover!

He drew his bow, took careful aim and released the arrow which found its mark and pierced the tiger’s body deeply. Drawing and mounting another arrow he slowly approached the motionless creature to confirm the kill… only to find his arrow stuck deeply into a striped colored stone which happened to resemble that of a sleeping tiger!

After this, everyone in the village began to talk about how strong he was, because he could pierce a stone with his arrow, and people became determined to test him. However, regardless of how many times he attempted to repeat the undertaking his arrows kept bouncing off the rock.

This was because he now realized that his target is only a stone. In the past his resolve had been so profound that he was actually able to physically pierce a stone with his arrow. However, now under different circumstances, he was unable to repeat the same feat.

Moral of the story

“A strong will can even pierce stone”. In other words, resolve can serve as a powerful vehicle for achieving seemingly impossible things.