Saturday 30 August 2014

Out of Comfort Zone

Imagine for a moment that you are about to stand up in front of a thousand people to make a presentation…what is your feeling?

You are about to appear for a test or an interview for a dream job that would make or break your career… what is your feeling? Is it the same?

We are quite familiar with how it feels to step out of our ‘Comfort Zones’ whether it is facing an interview, making a presentation or starting a new business.

If you are like many people, you will feel butterflies in the stomach, your mouth goes dry, your knees feel week and your heart starts thumping!

Usually many people do everything to avoid this feeling as they feel uncomfortable.

I’d say, it is a mistake to avoid this feeling. Everything you want in life is waiting outside your comfort zone. When we stay secure in our comfort zones we limit ourselves to experiencing something which is already part of our life.

The only way to change our circumstances is to step out of our comfort zone and venture into the 'Possibility Zone'. It is in the possibility zone you will find everything you wanted in your life.

We all know that no profession is fully secure. The only thing that is secure in life is you – your spirit, your knowledge, your talents and gifts, and your ability to contribute to something that matters to you in life. When you live from that knowledge and experience, you’ll find gainful and rewarding work no matter where you go, despite the turbulence around you. And to do that, you need to continually push yourself out of your comfort zone.

Whether it is better health, career, money or a personal goal, the life you want waits outside your comfort zone. With consistent effort, you can expand your comfort zone. The only way to expand your comfort zone is to bite the 'bullet' and step out into possibility zone. Initially this would be uncomfortable, but with some effort your comfort zone would slowly expand to cover the things you want in your life.

So next time, when you have that uneasy feeling, while stepping out of comfort zone, don’t shy away. Go ahead and embrace it. It is an indication that you are on your way to expand your horizons!

In fact, the more often you step out of your comfort zone, the faster you will be realizing your goals. 

Do you agree? What are your thoughts?