Sunday 23 February 2014

Working Together Works

There is no limit to what a man can do, as long as he doesn’t mind who takes the credit. Team building works. Build a core group around yourself. American billionaire oil tyconn J.Paul Getty calls them “men with millionaire mentality: people who are forward-thinking. Cost conscious and profit-oriented. And, they will build teams around themselves. It will soon become a pyramid reaching for the moon!

Even for our body to function well physically, it is very important that its parts work in perfect coordination. If any of the parts is damaged or becomes inactive, it has a crippling effect on the whole body. This is the simplest way to explain the concept of “Working together Works.”

In a machine, it is the various components of the mechanism that work together to make it run. The same is true for work situations where everybody must work together.

And, once you are working together, why not do it with a smile? Try asking for a favor from a colleague with your face all lit up. There is a remote possibility that he will refuse. A smile is like a drop of oil that makes the complex human mechanism work without friction. Spread a smile around and your workplace becomes a better place.

In praise of Teamwork:

We work together
We work as one
Though there may be times
When we don't 'get on'

We may not always
See 'eye to eye'
And sometimes we feel
Like saying 'good-bye'

When this happens
We shouldn't lose heart
For of 'something greater'
We are all a part

Each one of us
Has a role to play
In making this
A brighter day

We work together
For the good of all
It's in our hearts
Where we feel the call

God's love lives within
Every heart that shares
and every soul
that really cares!